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Advanced Driver Training


Everyone thinks they’re a good driver…right?

Advanced drivers are 25% less likely to be involved in an accident

For some people driving is a stressful chore, while for others it can be a relaxing opportunity to assert themselves. Whichever category you fit into, surveys indicate that 80% of us think that we are above average drivers and that accidents only happen to others. But, we probably all know, or have heard about, someone whose life has been changed as a result of a road accident.

Our aim is to reduce road accidents by encouraging an interest in road safety, by improving driving standards, knowledge and skill. In order to do this Ian Kingdon will provide you with quality training to help you improve your driving skills and help you train to become an advanced driver.

We can all benefit from taking the advanced test. Not only will you receive cheaper insurance discounts you will protect yourself and your loved ones

Ian Kingdon Advanced Driver Training course is designed to enhance your life. It offers an easy to follow programme that can:


  • Improve your driving skills
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Save fuel
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Reduce car sickness amongst passengers
  • Prepare you for your advanced driving tests
  • Prepare student instructors for ADI part-Two
  • And perhaps most importantly of all – enhance the safety of yourself, your family and all of those with whom you share the roads.

An Advanced Driver should be able to demonstrate that they can consistentlydrive skilfully, safely and competently at all times.The driver should be able to demonstrate that they know the principles of good driving and road safety, and then apply them in practise to the following subjects as a basis for the test:·

.Expert handling of controls

· Use of correct road procedure

· Anticipation of the actions of other road users and takingappropriate action.

· Sound judgement of speed, distance and timing

· Consideration for the convenience and safety of other roadusers

· Safety precautions on entering the car and expert use of the controls.

· Move away straight ahead or at an angle and making normal stops

· Driving the vehicle backwards and while so doing entering limited openings to the right or to the left

· Turning the vehicle round in the road to face the opposite direction, using forward and reverse gears.

· Parking close to the kerb, using reverse gear.

.Reverse parking exercises, bay and parallel.

· Practical use of the mirrors and how to stop the vehicle in an emergency

· Approaching and turning right hand and left hand corners.

· Judgement of speed and general road positioning.

· Dealing with road junctions.

· Dealing with crossroads.

· Meeting, crossing the path of, overtaking other vehicles,allowing adequate clearance for other road users andanticipation.

· Dealing with pedestrian crossings. Giving appropriate signals in a clear and unmistakable manner

Driver and rider error or reaction are behind the top three causes of fatal and serious crashes, new research from the IAM reveals today.

Licensed to skill: Contributory factors in accidents, presents the analysis of five years worth of accident data, recorded by the police between 2005 and 2009.

Factors including ‘failed to look properly’ ‘loss of control’ and ‘poor turn or manoeuvre’, accounted for 65.3 per cent of fatal, 61.8 per cent of serious and 68.6 per cent of slight accidents. Injudicious action – illegal or unwise judgements – such as exceeding the speed limit, following too close, or making an illegal turn, was the second biggest factor, accounting for another 31.4 per cent of accidents. Alcohol was a relatively minor factor, listed in only ten per cent of fatal accidents.

Behaviour or inexperience came a close third, being a factor in 28.0 per cent of accidents. In contrast, physical circumstances such as road environment, factors affecting vision, and vehicle defects are listed as issues in very few accidents.

‘Travelling too fast for the conditions’ accounts for more fatal accidents than ‘exceeding speed limit’, which represent fourth and fifth places. Driving too fast isn’t necessarily just a case of a legal requirement – you could be driving too fast for the conditions, without breaking any official speed limits at all.

IAM chief executive Simon Best said: “What is obvious from the top three rankings is that many accidents could be prevented by drivers simply changing their behaviour, as well as gaining more experience. That so many crashes are caused simply by the driver failing to look is shocking. On the positive side, there is plenty that drivers can do to reduce their risk of being involved in an accident.

“Having a driving licence doesn’t necessarily mean that drivers have the skills they need to be safe. Professional drivers, like HGV drivers, participate in continuous professional development, improving their driving skills throughout their careers to reduce their accident rates, insurance costs and to increase their fuel efficiency – why is life-saving training not expected of those who drive for personal reasons?”

“The evidence is there. Accidents could be easily reduced by improving driver skills and lives could be saved – especially those of young drivers. The IAM calls on the government to introduce post-test training, to support young drivers through the most dangerous part of their driving career, and to improve their skills for the rest of their lives.”

Top contributory factors were:

  • Driver/rider error or reaction
  • Injudicious action
  • Behaviour or inexperience
  • Road environment
  • Pedestrian only (casualty or uninjured)
  • Impairment or distraction
  • Vision affected
  • Special codes
  • Vehicle defects

So by taking one of Ian Kingdon Advanced Driving Coarses we can help you not to become involved in one of these factors!

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